Types of Planned Gifts

Gifts you can make today

Gifts you can plan for the future

Gift through a will or estate plan

Other Types of Gifts


Gifts you can make today

  • Check or Credit Card

  • Personal Property – Art or collectables, jewelry

  • Real Estate – land or buildings.  All real estate gifts are subject to review prior to acceptance.

  • Stocks or Securities - Donors who give real estate or appreciated stock may receive the benefit of reduced or eliminated capital gains taxes.

  • IRA Rollover - Donors who are 70 ½ years of age or older can make a gift through their IRA.  There are significant tax advantages for donors who qualify for this type of giving.


Gifts you can plan for the future

Life Insurance
A gift through life insurance can allow donors to leverage a larger gift with a lower actual cost.  The cost of the policy is much less than the total value of the policy.    

Existing Policies
United Way can be listed as a beneficiaries of a policy through the use of a change of beneficiary form.   This is a very simple process that is completed in less than an hour for many donors.

New Policies
Some donors chose to purchase a new policy to give to United Way.  The policy premium payments are often tax deductible, if United Way is the owner and beneficiary of the policy.
The actual cost to donors for life insurance will vary based on many different factors, including the donor’s health and the type of policy purchased. Some families purchase policies that cover two lives (a married couple) as this can lower the cost.


Gift through a will or estate plan

Everyone needs a written will or estate plan.  Without formal plans in place, state and federal laws will dictate how assets are passed from one generation to the next.  Although it can be challenging to think about, a formal will or estate plan is very helpful to surviving family members.  When properly designed, a will can also provide significant tax savings to survivors.

Many donors use the creation of a will as a chance to make a gift to a charity.

Thinking about the need for a will isn’t easy, but it is a reality that we all face.  Everyone needs a will or estate plan to guide their family at the time of their passing.  Because people’s lives change over time, it is important to evaluate the plans listed in your will every five years.  The most important reason to create a will is to provide for minor children’s future caregivers and financial interests.  Providing for the future needs of your family should always come first.   Some of our donors have included a gift to United Way in their will.  There are very real tax advantages for these donors.   
United Way can be listed as a beneficiary in a donor’s estate.  Some donors list a specific amount while others dedicate a percentage of their estate.  This can be done when a will is updated, or through the addition of a codicil, which is a simple, one page document attached to an existing will.  Most local attorneys are able to complete these documents for their clients.

Sample Bequest Language

I (name) of (city, state and zip) give, devise and bequeath to Lubbock Area United Way (written amount or percentage of the estate or a specific description of property) for its unrestricted use and purpose.

Legal Name:  Lubbock Area United Way, Inc.

EIN Number:  75-0961812

Incorporated in:  Lubbock, TX

The advice of an attorney and / or financial planner is an important step in this process.  United Way encourages all potential donors to seek professional advice in creating a planned gift.


Other Types of Gifts

Some donors chose to plan their gift through a more complex process.  These arrangements have distinct tax advantages that vary, depending on the arrangements.  Legal advice is important in drafting these types of gifts. Many of these options allow donors to receive income from a trust or annuity, as well as a tax deduction.

Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts